Monday, August 9, 2021 @ Tapsilog Filipino Cuisine
In Attendance: Ida L., Harjlik M. Celine M. Virgie S. Kerhl R. Lucenia O., Michelle L. Josie., Angie R.
Call to Order: 5:55pm
I. Introductions:
First meeting held in person for 2021 as all meetings before were via ZOOM during the pandemic.
III. Committee Updates
III.A. Business Case Committee
III.A.1. Updates
- Document for Pre-Business Case (link here).
EPIC will primarily be the facility to house the programs of other organizations. If there is a need for a certain program that no other organizations can offer, EPIC can fill in and create a program.
Spaces needed cannot be offered all at once. There will be phases as to how we introduce each type of common space.
2000 sq feet total required (or more as more organizations and businesses are more interested in participating).
More than 50% of the lease will be supported by organizations who will be permanently supporting EPIC
They would need a letter of agreement to be able to contractually bind an organization to EPIC.
Under Activities, 3rd bullet: “Outreach programs….in various areas…” - to add “arts and culture”
III.A.2. Requirements of the Business Case Committee:
Someone who is financially capable of forecasting, calculating expenses, etc.
A list of properties that we are looking at.
3 options to create a good business plan.
Have a guideline of what is required at the centre (eg. if we require a daycare, the daycare requires a playground outside).
Architect is required to calculate the cost of the building
A confirmation that we have volunteers and staff to be able to facilitate.
Business Case Committee will be meeting (next meeting in September).
If planning can be done properly and following ideal timelines, it will be done within 4 - 6 months.
III.A.3 Next Steps
Lucenia will convene the Committee and fill with the following types of people in order to solidify a business plan moving forward:
Realtor (Michelle L.)
Accountant (TBD)
Artichect (TBD)
Interested space renters who would like a space in the centre.
Social media posts on call for volunteers for the committee, and get feedback on who would be interested in being housed in the EPIC Centre.
III.B Communications and Promotions Committee
III.B.1. Updates:
Philippine Heritage Month Contest & Profile Picture Campaign.
Only a few people participated in the campaign during June.
Website has been updated with #letsmakeitEPIC campaign to support the Fund Development Committee.
Kerhl has stepped down as Communications Chair.
He will work with the Communications team to see who would be interested in taking over parts of the committee.
Due to personal circumstances, the video project featuring EPIC organizational and individual members has been postponed.
III.B.2. Discussion:
A proposal for the website to create a “Directory” for existing organizations can be displayed as a brand new tab on the EPIC website so that organizations can be showcased.
Utilize social media such as Facebook and Instagram to engage with our current and potential members.
III.B.3. Next Steps
Kehrl will set up a meeting with required committee members to transition powers to appropriate personnel.
Create a spreadsheet on content and schedule of social media posts.
Follow up with Mike P, on the plans for the video project featuring EPIC organizational and individual members.
III.C Financial Management Committee
Account holders for the bank account have been transferred to Virgie S. and Ida BL.
Income for 2021 started in July, with the “LetsMakeItEpic” campaign.
III.D Fund Development Committee
III.D.1 April 27 Meeting Minutes
III.D.2. Updates
#letsmakeitEPIC campaign was released officially in July (Link here)
“EPIC-neers” can donate a minimum of $1.00 monthly to reach our goal of building a centre. More information is provided via the link on our website.
At the moment, we currently have 6 Donors shown on our Donor wall on the Donate page. There is also a spreadsheet that shows accumulated cash donations since the establishment of EPIC.
Facebook and Instagram have posted about this campaign.
EPIC members and board members are encouraged to participate in the campaign and invite their friends and family to be part of the legacy! - similar to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Sponsorship packages and letters have been pre-made for use in the future with events (either held via EPIC or by other organizations).
List of events that could be held was created, however due to timing and the pandemic we were unable to pursue many of these events.
EPIC still has a stock of EPIC t-shirts that can be sold, as a fundraiser.
III.D.2 Next Steps
Continue to promote the #LetsMakeItEPIC campaign.
Work with the Communications team to create a more regular schedule of when we can mention the campaign.
Update the sponsorship package and letters for our November event.
III.E Membership Committee
III.E.1 April Meeting Minutes
III.E.2 Updates:
Code of Conduct for volunteers was created (Document here)
There were a couple of holes in the documents as some information was missing.
With the updates from the Business Case Committee, we can update this document.
Organization Registration Form was created (Document here)
This will be the receipt and contractual agreement between organizations and EPIC as to who would like to still work with us. This document will also register organizations who want to be displayed on the website.
A Google Form version will be created, however the suggestion was made to also create a paper version for organizations who require a hard copy.
Hard copies can be stored electronically and saved by Celine in a hard copy file.
III.E.3. Next Steps
A Google Form version of the registration will be created, so that it is also accessible via the website.
Membership committee members will contact the organizations so that they can register and we can build the Directory on the Website.
IV. 2021 Events
The focus of the remainder of the year will be to promote EPIC itself, promote the #letsmakeitEPIC campaign as well as one event to be held possibly on November 5-7 weekend.
Components: table sponsors, food, silent auction, performances and a Children’s Pageant.
Children candidates 12 and under will be featured pageantry style (logistics and programming TBD). Limitless candidates.
Ticketed community event, approx $10 tickets.
Registration may include candidates selling 10 tickets to participate. Logistics to be determined.
Attendees were asked which committees for the event they would like to be involved in:
Programming: Harlijk, Angie, Ida
Logistics: Celine
Finances for Event: Virgie and Michelle
Sponsors: Angie
Communications: Kerhl
Before we can solidify and plan an event, a venue and date are required. Ida will contact venues first, i.e. Central Lions centre, Four Points Sheraton (which was a sponsor for the launch), community halls, to see if they are available that weekend.
Event space requires a sound system and accessibility for seniors and physically impaired.
Tagline = Show how EPIC you are! Name is still required for the event.
Sponsorship packages to be updated for this event once we confirm a date, time and name.
V. Next Steps.
Each committee has their own to-do list prior to the next board meeting.
Generally, all directors needs to continue to promote the #letsmakeitEPIC campaign as well as EPIC itself.
For the November, 2021 event, the venue and the date will need to be confirmed before moving forward with this event.
VI. Next Meeting
Each committee will hold their own meetings if required.
Next board meeting will occur once Ida confirms a venue space and time.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:25pm