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Board Meeting minutes, 03292021 (via ZOOM)

Writer's picture: Edmonton Philippine Intl. CentreEdmonton Philippine Intl. Centre

Updated: Oct 29, 2021


Monday, March 29, 2021

In Attendance: Ida L, Bayani A. Harjlik M. Celine M. Virgie S. Kerhl R. Lucenia O. Mila P. Mike P, Herald C., Marco L.

Call to Order: 6:05pm

I. Agenda Review

III. Committee Updates

III.A. Business Case Committee

III.A.1. Composition

  • Leads: Bayani & Lucenia

  • Members:

III.A.2. Updates

- Committee meeting was not held yet.

- Presented the results from the EPIC engagement held January, 2020. Document was sent to the board and is attached to this agenda.

  • Can we use the information gathered to conduct our research for EPIC?

  • Should we look for an existing place to call EPIC home, or are we trying to build a brand new building?

  • City of Edmonton suspended giving funds for business case development due to COVID-19.

- It will take roughly 1 - 2 years for a concrete business plan to be developed for EPIC.

- Business case committee members will assist with other committees as volunteers.

- How much money do we need?

  • Existing vs. New

  • $3 million as initial estimate

III.A.3 Next Steps

  • Board to approve recommendations and plans laid out in EPIC engagement results

  • More community engagement, i.e. surveys

III.B Communications and Promotions Committee

III.B.2. Updates:

- Website: Kerhl requires updated photos from the Board for the website

- Facebook group for the Board members will be created.

o Easier to respond and communicate with Board members

o Help from the finance committee is required. The website is having difficulty collecting funds via Paypal and credit card transactions from the website in the bank account.

  • In the meantime, E-transfer option will be given to those who want to donate via the website

- A list of hashtags are below to be used for EPIC. These hashtags can be used for either community support or for those who donate to our cause.

III.B.3. Next Steps

  • All Board members to join the Facebook Group created for updates on projects and action items.

  • Continue with the projects listed in IV below.

III.C Financial Management Committee

III.C.1 Composition

● Lead: Virgie S

● Members:

- No updates given as Virgie had to leave early for another meeting at 7:00pm

- E-transfers in the meantime to receive funds (website is not cooperating in terms of having funds directed to our bank account).

III.C.2: Next Steps

  • Transfer of signatories for the bank account

III.D Fund Development Committee

III.D.2. Updates

  • Loonie for a Month Campaign will be taken over by this committee.

  • EPIC will not be pursuing registering for a charity status as we do not meet the requirements to become one (in the meantime, we will be considered non-profit).

  • As part of fostering partnerships, the committee members will reach out to 2020 donors and connect with them to talk to them and see how they are doing (list to be obtained from the website).

  • Create a template for personalized sponsorship packages to be used for future events.

    • Will look at the current individual event packages we use and build upon it.


III.D.2 Next Steps

  • Continue with Loonie for a Month Campaign initiative for launch.

  • Contact all sponsorships from 2020 and connect with them again.

  • Create a template for sponsorship packages.

III.E Membership Committee

III.E.2 Updates

  • We determined that a member is someone who is partaking in events, donating to EPIC or actively involved in EPIC projects through volunteering. A subscriber is someone who is receiving our information passively. Not all subscribers are members.

  • Updates on the website for new members applications:

    • Automatic responses stating that someone will contact them within 48 hours.

    • Emailed notification when someone submits an application to become a member.

    • Additional question: Please tell us your Filipino story to give us a sense of who you are.”

      • Allows the person connecting to the member a sense of what resources we may be able to provide them.

III.E.3. Next Steps

  • Creating a list of subscribers vs. members

  • Researching other Filipino organizations within Edmonton and letting them know that we exist (contacting them at a later date).

IV. Projects: Planning and Implementation

- Putting the interview logistics was a bit difficult, but we will use StreamYard to record the interviews.

- Need to contact the interviewees ASAP!

- Focus of the interview: Sharing your story and bringing traction towards EPIC.

- Other logistical questions: What kind of program can we use?

- First round of interviews will start in April, and a release date will be set as soon as those videos are completely edited. Final product will be 7 - 10 minutes long. A blank timeline will be emailed for individuals to fill.

- It will only take 45 minutes of someone’s time to do the interview. We can also schedule multiple interviews in 1 day.

- Rotating pool of interviewers will be required for the interviews. A sign up sheet will be sent once created.

o 1 = proficient in English

o 1 = proficient in Tagalog

- A title will be required for this interview project. Some suggested titles:

  • Fireside Chats

  • Sari-Sari Chats or Sari-Sari Talks

  • Epic Huddles

IV.B Philippine Heritage Month Finale Event

- We will be proceeding with June 27th.

- Use StreamYard to conduct content as well as embedded clips from performers, etc. ℅ Harlijk

- Someone still needs to be selected as the host of the event.

- Celebrities from TFC will have to be looked into further as there is an unexpected cost associated with partnering.

- Members on this project: Mila, Ida, Harlijk, Mike and Kerhl

- Once the event is over, this video can be accessible through the public.

IV.C PHM Vehicle Train

- Michelle, Kerhl, PBSA will be working together to carry out this project (Michelle & Kehrl = South, PBSA = West). The same material will be used as last year.

- First weekend of June

o Date TBD depending on the route and when.

- Seafood City parking lot is an option for our west train’s meeting spot?

o They would like some exposure (they can possibly supply us gift baskets).

IV.D Loonie a Month

- We will try to sell it as a package, or possibly as a challenge between individuals.

- Material will be required for the campaign (branding).

- A designated page on the website will be used for Loonie for a Month to showcase how much funds are raised for this campaign.

  • Show who donated to the cause on the website.

  • Instead of a thermometer-like graphic, perhaps we can use a building. When funds are received, a portion of the building is highlighted.

- Will need a campaign title, possibly #EPICBuildIt

V. Other items

  • How do we communicate all of our projects?

- A small, animated video on what projects EPIC is initiating will be sent to subscribers and a call to action can be included in our emails or posts. - i.e. Doodly, ℅ Harlijk’s brother’s account

VI. Next Meeting

  • Date and time to be determined for next month’s Board meeting.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:38pm

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