Attendance: Ida L, Bayani A, Harlijk M, Mila P, Celine M, Michelle L, Virgie S, Marco L, Mike P
Call to Order: 6:00 PM
I. Introductions
New members of the Board introduced themselves to those who have not met in person before.
II. Elections / Appointment of Officers
President: Ida Lucila (Re-Elected)
Vice President: Harlijk Mirasol (Newly Elected)
Treasurer: Virgie Sumalinog (Newly Elected)
Secretary: Celine Mopas (Newly Elected)
Board to discuss a resolution re: annual turnover of EPIC funds.
III. Board Representation in Committees and Recruitment
The five committees of EPIC are:
Fund Development Committee (Michelle L and Celine M)
Business Case Committee (Bayani and Lucenia)
Communications and Promotions Committee (Harlijk M, Mila P, Mike P, and Kehrl R)
Membership Committee (Celine M)
Financial Management Committee (Virgie S)
Board Members are encouraged to sign up for Committees, either as Chair or Member, for board representation and reporting. Indicate their committee choices by using the Volunteer Sign Up form on the EPIC website.
IV. Overview for 2021 Discussion
With the ongoing pandemic, our focus is to establish awareness about EPIC to create a baseline for fundraising in the future.
Ideas shared by the attendees on how to move forward in 2021:
Utilizing EPIC as a hub for Filipinos to connect with one another to gain a sense of community and family within Edmonton.
Creating a podcast to showcase different organizations and their leaders. Having conversations with these organizations at the same time trying to tie the message of EPIC within each episode.
Filipino Heritage Month is coming up in June. The Canadian Filipino Heritage Association has a landing page for those who want to showcase their organization (starts in April). Possibly performances from Edmonton local groups and celebrities from the Philippines (connect with ABS-CBN or GMA).
Possible date: June 26, 2021. Harlijk to attend meetings with Canadian Filipino Heritage Association about Heritage month.
Kingsway mall has a space within the mall where we can showcase Filipino heritage (eg. mural). This needs to be looked into due to COVID-19 restrictions.
A drive-in concert or karaoke could be set up at either Kingsway or Millwoods Town Centre parking lot.
Filipino cultural fashion to be showcased.
Philippine Vehicle Train was successful in June, and we can do it again as an annual event.
The video from the launch is still accessible to be used for EPIC campaigns.
Currently we do not have a directory of Filipino organizations in Edmonton (registered and unregistered). This can be created by the Membership Committee.
EPIC would like to showcase other Filipino groups in Edmonton. We will need to meet with different members as a group or one on one to talk about how we can help them as well (eg. Increase their membership?).
We will need to create a marketing strategy to present to other organizations. Why do they want to support EPIC? For example, “$50 will equal 1 chair in our new centre!”. Trying to create a sense that their contributions to EPIC will have a tangible and physical worth when the centre is built.
Loonie a Month Donation Drive. Explore with the Communications Committee on making this more appealing and create a tag line for the campaign.
Possibility of membership card and partnership with businesses. Many businesses are hurt due to COVID-19, so some may be hesitant to donate to EPIC.
V. Other Items
Many ideas were shared by all attendees and were thanked for their participation.
VI. Next Meeting
Communications and Promotions Committee Meeting to occur on Saturday at 4:00pm.
Next board meeting to occur March 29, 2021 at 6:00pm
Meeting Adjourned: 7:19pm